Our Mission
Overcoming poverty and injustice in Guatemala through Christ’s transforming love.
The Vision
Helping families and communities transform from surviving to flourishing
We believe that lives are changed through relationship. When you change a child’s life, you change a family’s, which can change a community and possibly the world. Helping families move from surviving to flourishing is possible through education, training, support, and encouragement.
100% Child Sponsorship
Currently 55% of the children have sponsors through our organization. We believe if we can get this to 100%, we would be able to fully fund the basic education and nutrition of all the students.
Work That Pays
Currently there are several microbusinesses, including a bakery, welding and construction businesses. We are continually researching new opportunities for employment. Speaking English is a key to the best jobs in Guatemala. We have started English immersion camps and include English conversation in all our mission trips.
End to Physical & Sexual Abuse/Trafficking
Continue developing partnerships with local authorities and other agencies to change the culture of the community. Currently, there are 32 cases of abuse being investigated by the child protection program at Maná de Vida. This service of advocacy has been extended to the community at large.